Lightweight Robot arm
Price per day including everything below, discounts apply on multiple days.
- Reach of 1m30
- Payload of 10kg
- Maximum speed of 1m/s
- Fit through any door
- Full weight is around 150kg, can be dismantled into different elements of 35kg and can be carried by hand to remote locations
- Single-phase 220V power supply, can run off a generator or a battery
- Camera can go as high as 2.5m
- Classified as a collaborative robot and therefore safer then a typical industrial robot.
- compatible with all our accessories (focus, trigger, turntable, ...)
- Can be rigged to car, vehicles or other structure via our truss adapter.
This robot is operated by Robot-Kopp, an audiovisual Motion Control service, that aim to bring something a bit different to the MoCo field by mixing the animation capacity of Maya, the gold standard of 3D animation software, with industrial robot and a lot of custom developed hardware and software solutions. Check their previous work on their website
This very powerful workflow allow us to offer a versatile and efficient service to clients looking to solve unique Motion Control problems.
*Approved operator needed.
*Contact for operator price
*Full production insurance mandatory.
Price per day including everything below, discounts apply on multiple days.
- Reach of 1m30
- Payload of 10kg
- Maximum speed of 1m/s
- Fit through any door
- Full weight is around 150kg, can be dismantled into different elements of 35kg and can be carried by hand to remote locations
- Single-phase 220V power supply, can run off a generator or a battery
- Camera can go as high as 2.5m
- Classified as a collaborative robot and therefore safer then a typical industrial robot.
- compatible with all our accessories (focus, trigger, turntable, ...)
- Can be rigged to car, vehicles or other structure via our truss adapter.
This robot is operated by Robot-Kopp, an audiovisual Motion Control service, that aim to bring something a bit different to the MoCo field by mixing the animation capacity of Maya, the gold standard of 3D animation software, with industrial robot and a lot of custom developed hardware and software solutions. Check their previous work on their website
This very powerful workflow allow us to offer a versatile and efficient service to clients looking to solve unique Motion Control problems.
*Approved operator needed.
*Contact for operator price
*Full production insurance mandatory.
Price per day including everything below, discounts apply on multiple days.
- Reach of 1m30
- Payload of 10kg
- Maximum speed of 1m/s
- Fit through any door
- Full weight is around 150kg, can be dismantled into different elements of 35kg and can be carried by hand to remote locations
- Single-phase 220V power supply, can run off a generator or a battery
- Camera can go as high as 2.5m
- Classified as a collaborative robot and therefore safer then a typical industrial robot.
- compatible with all our accessories (focus, trigger, turntable, ...)
- Can be rigged to car, vehicles or other structure via our truss adapter.
This robot is operated by Robot-Kopp, an audiovisual Motion Control service, that aim to bring something a bit different to the MoCo field by mixing the animation capacity of Maya, the gold standard of 3D animation software, with industrial robot and a lot of custom developed hardware and software solutions. Check their previous work on their website
This very powerful workflow allow us to offer a versatile and efficient service to clients looking to solve unique Motion Control problems.
*Approved operator needed.
*Contact for operator price
*Full production insurance mandatory.